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Presentation by Dr. Matilde Cartolari - The Power of Loans

Presentation on The Power of Loans: Museums and exhibition diplomacy in the interwar period by Dr. Matilde Cartolari

at the workshop Making museum professionals: Transnational forces at the Technische Universität of Berlin. The workshop is co-organised by Kate Hill, Andrea Meyer, Tamsin Russell, Nushelle de Silva and Claire Wintle, with support from the University of Brighton’s Centre for Design History, as part of the AHRC research network Making Museum Professionals, 1850-the present.

Full programme available here.

Online participation: Please register in advance via this ticket source link.

5 June

Presentation by Anna-Marie Kroupová - Brushes Across Curtains

18 June

Lecture by Dr. Sophie Schasiepen - Mourning the Dead